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electrical mapping

Multi-array recording provides useful information on local electrical depolarization and repolarization . Specifically, activation mapping assesses local conduction velocity, as well as repolarization heterogeneity, both considered basic arrhythmogenic mechanisms.


multi-electrode array

Unipolar ventricular electrograms are recorded from 32 electrodes, in reference to Wilson’s central terminal. The electrodes are selected from a commercially available multi-electrode array with a 1.25X1.50mm inter-electrode distance. Recordings from the multi-electrode array are made at a sampling frequency of 5kHz, with a use of a custom built software in collaboration with Vassili LaRocca. Electrical noise is eliminated by application of a 50/60Hz band-pass filter, and motion artifacts by inverse Chebyshev, elliptic and wavelet filters.

electrical mapping

Multi-array recording and analysis from the border zone between infarcted and healthy myocardium in rats in vivo. Such analysis provides invaluable in-depth electrophysiologic data.

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